Friday, September 11, 2009

Saline Co Fair 2009

This past Thursday evening Stephen and I met up with Jennifer so we could take the kiddos to their first fair experience! Sydney is now 21 months and Whitney is almost 15 months. When we were walking toward the fair Sydney was squealing with excitement and I was so thrilled she was so interested. We of course started off with some yummy fair food. After we ate we headed to see the animals.
I figured she would really love the animals and think it was neat to be so close and her attitude was like yea okay what's next. lol. You never know how she will react. She did like the animals she just wasn't as excited as she was with something else!

This is Whitney with a sweet little cow eating some hay.

Sydney loves the Lunesta commerical where the rooster wakes the lady up in the middle of the night so Sydney knew exactly what this little animal was!

I think this pic is so funny! She was posing by the turkeys and I was happy they didn't peck her!
Stinky pigs!

Stephen got ahead of us and they were looking at this cow when Jennifer and Whitney started to walk up and Sydney yelled "MINE"

Family First at the Saline Co. Fair. (I'm holding Sydney's peacock feather)

Jennifer and Whitney taking their first fair pics!

I thought it would be appropriate to start off with a simple fair ride the carousal. Sydney was so scared so some reason? She was okay if she wasn't riding the horse and if I was holding her. I figured well she just still isn't ready to ride any rides would think right?

WELL..we decided to put her on a little car ride. She LOVED it. I almost started to cry but pulled it together. She has the biggest smile and screamed "HI DADDY HI DADDY" every time she came by us. Everyone thought she was so cute. I of course agree. She didn't want to get off. I tried to video on my camera but I guess I need to work on the video part because it didn't work and I was disappointed. I wish you could've seen her reaction to her first fair ride!

This is her second ride by herself. It was a truck but they were linked together like a train and it went around in a circle on a track.

Was she starting to have second thoughts? She loved this ride just as much as the first. I'm not sure if she enjoyed the rides more or her parents cheering her on and screaming every time she came around? I'm sure we looked crazy but I was so proud of her!

We ended our night with a fair game. I thought she may go swimming at one point instead of fishing! She thought she needed to splash in the water.

She picked out her own prize all by herself. Can she really be this big already?